Sermons: Messages of Inspiration

People look outside themselves for inspiration when in reality, inspiration comes from
within. Sometimes another’s words, actions, or stories touch us inwardly and we become
inspired. When in reality another’s experience just reminds us for our own potential.

—Momma Tee

A member of the Recalling Spirit Ministry (RSM) Team for three years Rev. Simon engages listeners in a conversation centered on Spiritual principles and Spiritual practices. She refers to her Sunday Sermon as sacred conversations with the community. Her conversations of inspiration, grounded in the everyday, help us to see through the veil of illusion. Her messages are of remembrance, gratitude & celebration. Remembrance of our True nature, that of the Divine; our remembrance of those on whose shoulders we stand that ground us in today. From remembrance flows gratitude . . . immeasurable gratitude for the gift of life, unbounded love for those whose vision, love, commitment, courage and faith makes this moment possible for us. Celebration is the natural out flow of gratitude. As we celebrate and are reminded of the sacred gift of life through ritual, we come again to remembrance.

Reverend Simon continues to provide a Sabbath conversation at RSM the first Sunday of each month. Her sacred stories shine a light into the areas where faith traditions stand together, that place where they are all joined by a foundational belief based in the ancient percept known as the Golden Rule.

Sermons—Sacred Conversations

  • Sunday Inspiration
  • Workshops and Seminars